Become a member!

Become a regular member of the Centre and make sure your voice is heard! Be part of working groups, participate in training and quarterly gatherings, follow the latest trends and secure a ticket for the annual conference!

Join the community as a company member!

Besides accepting regular members, the Centre is proud of all its member companies that have recognized the benefits of the Centre’s work and regularly participate in the promotion and improvement of the construction industry.

Become an exclusive Centre partner

Investing in the development and improvement of the industry is one of the key indicators that companies care about socially responsible business and the development of society in general. The centre is proud of the work and effort of its partners and constantly encourages the admission of new ones.

Bronze partner
Provide access to guides, documents and training for your employees and keep up with all digital trends.
Silver partner
Support the Centre’s work with the strategic development of guidelines and guides. Get involved in workgroups and connect with global BIM groups.
Gold partner

Participate in the development of the Centre and its next steps. Provide the industry with all the possibilities that digitization brings with it and take advantage of the benefits for you and your employees.

Student program

If you are a student and want to know everything about the latest technologies in construction, connect with renowned industry leaders, find a good internship, a student job or write a final thesis in companies that promote digitalization, then CDI is the right place for you.

Join us and become part of the construction community!