About us

The Centre for Digital Built Croatia was founded in 2022 by construction enthusiasts to promote digital solutions for all construction industry processes and projects. The Centre gathers representatives of the public sector, industry leaders, universities, individual enthusiasts and all those who want to make their daily work more qualitative and efficient.
Enabling digital transformation of the Croatian construction industry

Our Goals

Raising the awareness within construction industry participants about the need for applying digital solutions and processes during all phases of a construction project.
Increase collaboration and coordination by gathering construction stakeholders from the public and private sectors into one place.
Through workshops, training and certification teach and promote digitalization among construction participants.
To publish guidelines and standards for implementing a digital way of work in all areas of the construction industry.

To connect professional individuals and legal entities with domestic and foreign
organizations, investors and companies.

To connect universities and the industry leaders to monitor the latest technological solutions and market requirements.

Centre's Projects

Raising awareness about digitization

Through market research and an annual activity plan, CDI raises awareness and emphasizes the importance of digitization and the transition from the old to a new, more efficient way of working.

Education, workshops and certification

CDI enables construction industry participants to keep up with the latest trends and market
demand through the organization of education and workshops in cooperation with industry
leaders, chambers and technology distributors.

Guidelines and standards development

For a proper and efficient approach to the digitalization of business, CDI provides guidelines and guides. The guides are intended for all participants in the construction industry and serve as a reference for best practices and instructions for the application of digital processes.

Meetups and conferences

The quarterly meetings and the annual conference are the crown of the Centre’s work and
represent an ideal opportunity for the exchange of experience of all participants in the
industry and further development of the profession in the Republic of Croatia.

CDI Team


Monika Mlakić

predsjednica, DCT Group

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2022 © CDI. Sva prava pridržana